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The Cooperative Way to Publish Your Book

If you have finished a manuscript but it has not yet been professionally edited and proofread, we can take care of that and publish your work. We call this the cooperative way because we charge a modest fee for the time we spend doing so.

Please use the form below to tell us about your book. Is it nonfiction or fiction? What is the target audience? If it's fiction, what genre is it? Please include a short synopsis. What plans if any do you have to promote your work? 

We're looking for good books to publish so don't hesitate to get in touch. We will get back to you one way or the other. 

If we think your book has potential to sell well, we will ask you to send us a file of the manuscript by return email so that we can evaluate it.


If we like what we see, we will send you a proposal by return email and then set up a Zoom or telephone call to discuss it with you.

Send us a message
and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Thanks for submitting!

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